

AHA BLS Instructor's Renewal

Welcome to the American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor Renewal Course.

This course is designed for individuals who are currently AHA BLS instructors and are seeking to renew their certification. During the course, instructors will receive a refresher on AHA guidelines and any updates to the curriculum. In addition, instructors must submit a roster to info@cprrus.com that details four classes taught within the last two years of their certification.

It is important to note that if the original Instructor's Essentials are not sent to info@cprrus.com, the instructor will be required to represent the Instructor's Essentials as a requirement to receive an instructor's renewal card.

To ensure that instructors are providing the highest quality of instruction, we recommend recording and submitting a 15-minute video that demonstrates your class introduction, your interaction with students performing hands-on demonstrations, answering questions, remediation, and your ending.  You also have the option to schedule a portion of your renewal with your training coordinator to monitor a live virtual monitoring of your class.

Thank you for choosing the AHA BLS Instructor Renewal Course to renew your certification. We look forward to working with you to continue to improve the quality of CPR education across the country.


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