

Instructor's Blended Learning Platinum Bundle

Need or nothing with this complete bundle as you prepare to teach your first class.  This 5-hour training skills is through the American Heart Association for BLS instructor candidates. You must have all the prerequisite completed prior to the training (see information and instructions email for details). This package includes your 2-year BLS Instructor's Certification, along with all the equipment you will need to get started as an instructor shipped to your front door. You will receive your instructor's manual along with 2 adult Ambu bags, 2 infant Ambu bags, 2 adult manikins that can convert to child mode, 2 infant manikins, and 2 trainer AED's and pads. These Worldpoint manikins are state of the art equipment with feedback verification so that your candidates can have the real feel of compressions and also score a depth and rate of the compression delivery. The AEDs are your choice of prestain or worldPoint brand. Your first 20 e card to issue to your first 20 students that you certifiy are also included. This training takes 3 -5 business days to become aligned with the training center in order to begin teaching courses.

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